Friday, 22 November 2013

The long haul / Долгий ящик

I bought a couple of storage boxes for all my tangle-drawing stuff (not that these 2 boxes are enough for all my stuff). Inspired by my husband's suggestion, I have started decorating them with tangles. I will do all my zentangle challenges on the boxes, as well as add my own bits until they are both covered, and will publish this on-going project.
Also wanted to show off something a friend did on a similar topic - a beautiful chest of drawers made from cardboard completely from scratch.

Я купила пару коробок, чтобы хранить все мои зентенгло-рисовательные материалы (конечно двух коробок не хватает). Вдохновилась идеей мужа и начала украшать их зентенглом. Буду выполнять все мои еженедельные зентенгловые задания и добавлять мои личные рисунки, пока обе коробки не заполнятся. Буду публиковать этапы этого проекта.
А ещё хочу похвастаться работой знакомой. Тема в каком-то родстве с моей - красивый комод, который она сделала из картона с нуля.

And so, this week's Diva challenge is to use the tangle Quib.
Итак, задание Diva на этой неделе - использовать узор Quib.

Virgin boxes
Девственные ящики

I only published this photo, so I can keep looking at my art supplies over and over again  :)
Эту фотографию опубликовала, чтобы постоянно рассматривать собственную коллекцию материалов  :)
Some of my arsenal
Что-то из моего арсенала


  1. Wat leuk gedaan, op de doosjes.

    1. Heel hartelijk bedankt!
      I hope Google translate this right - thank you for your comment!

  2. what a great idea! I love how you have quib coming out the other side of the box. Can't wait to see your progress. Will you be sealing the boxes as well? if so what will you use i.e beeswax? i did some wooden bangles and i used beeswax and coconut oil with a hint of cinnamon and orange fragrance oil, the colour was awesome and really made the tangles look like they are part of the wood.

    1. Oh wow! Thank you for you feedback and, especially, for the hints. I will definitely be sealing them now after all your advice. I had no idea before. I will now have to investigate where would be the best places to get beeswax & coconut oil - probably health shops!

  3. These will be beautiful once you are done! What a fun project, and I can't wait to see the progression! Your quib hooked to the mak-rah-mee is great!

    1. Thank you! I, myself, can't wait to see all this :)

  4. Зентенгл, безусловно, должен быть абсолютно везде))возможно, еще где-нибудь в совсем неизведанно-неожиданных местах)))
    какое хорошенькое кое-что из твоего арсенала)))! вот уж бы я порылась-порылась там)))

    1. У да! Я тоже люблю там рыться :):):)

  5. I am SOOO in love with your tangled boxes. I love wooden boxes whatever but with idea of a perfect gift, even if it's to yourself. And Jenna's tips about beeswax and cinnamon...oh, I'm in heaven. Axxx

    1. I know what you mean! I even used to have a chest once. And yes, those oils are definitely going to happen.

  6. The boxes look great. Like the highlighting.

  7. that's a cool and unique idea Zoe, loving it

  8. I like this Quib going in and out the box. Great idea.

  9. Beautiful Quib from Mak-rah-mee! Looks lovely on your box, and I love the way it goes in the top and comes out the side...

    1. Thank you! I tell you, it's good fun to play around like this.

  10. I just love your boxes and tangles. Expecially the part where quib enters the hole on the top, and leaves on the side. Very creative!
