Friday, 8 April 2016

A Couple of ATC's

These ATC's are for two April challenges.

For ATC's mit Herz Alles mit Flügeln (Things with Wings), I have a bat done in iris folding.
Dracula's business card:

For ATC Around the World April challenge - Alles geht mit Opt. Wetter (Anything Goes with Option Weather), I have a quilled umbrella with a coin rain. I was inspired by the olden song Pennies from Heaven, which tells us to turn our umbrella upside down because it's raining pennies from heaven. Many singers did this song; you really should have a listen.


  1. Really cool ATC`s! I love the umbrella - it`s fantastic!!
    Thanks for joining us at ATC`s mit Herz and ATC around the world!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Eine witzige Idee mit dem Schirm, total Super, danke dir für deine Teilnahme bei ATC around the World, liebe grüsse Bettina

  3. Hihihi und dein kleiner Batman passt natürlich Super zur Challenge von ATCs mit Herz, klasse gemacht, danke dir für deine Teilnahme, grüsse Bettina

    1. And thank you, again, Bettina! I like that little bat myself :)
