Wednesday, 18 May 2016

We Inspire Ourselves

Wicked Wednesday have chosen an interesting theme for this week - Inspired by Pinterest. Please google Zoe Brener (MySpecialist) on Pinterest. That's my work.

I've already told this story of why my blog is called MySpecialist. I like it so much, I will retell it  :)
A while back, my place of work decided it was good use of company money to force personality tests on us (i.e., our working style). I got on the phone to my husband and we did the test together. The whole thing was multi-choice and we answered in Christmas tree pattern.
Results came in - I am a specialist. That is, together my husband and I are a specialist. When we set up this blog, it was obvious - transcribe the Russian words for "we are a specialist". And there you have it.
I am half naive in all this self-promotion over the internet and social media. Still, over time I discovered that some people like my work and have shared pics via Pinterest. Thank you all, who think my crafting is worthy.
P.S. the logo that appears next to the comments I leave and included on this ATC (the shield with the cross) is that of the Australian Rules Football team that we support; it is also the symbol of the area of Melbourne we live in.